Industrial Models
An industrial model is a way to sell your product by presenting its unique features in a way that everyone can understand. An industrial model can be an exact replica, or emphasize a particular aspect of your product by use of cutaway design, working parts or lights and sound.
If your product is tiny, we can magnify its size to show intricate parts that would otherwise go unnoticed to the naked eye. Likewise, if your product is large and unwieldy, a scaled down industrial model will represent your design in a form that is easier to handle, transport and digest.
Industrial models can tell a story. Perhaps your product is an idea, process or system that is not easily explained. We can create a physical representation that makes your process readable; assessable; tangible.
KiwiMill creates industrial models that generate excitement from viewers. The goal of the model is to draw people in, and help them understand what you are selling, regardless of what industry you come from. Everyone can appreciate and relate to what you have to offer when it is presented in the form of a physical model.