Solar Array Models

These two Solar Array Models are replicas of the same product. The longer model represents a tiny section of a solar farm. Typically solar farms have hundreds, if not thousands, of these panels across acres of land. The model is built almost entirely out of brass with acrylic panels. The panels can be rotated just like the real product. The purpose of this solar array model is to demonstrate the wide range of motion in this design.

solar array model

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The second solar array model is a close up of the first model. This replica focuses on the center section of one pair of panels. The purpose of the blown up section of the model is to feature the gear box and motor area of our client’s product.The materials used on this model are aluminum, ABS, brass and acrylic.

By building two models of the same product, our client is able to present different aspects of their design to potential customers.

solar array model solar array model solar array model solar array model

VIDEO of the rotating solar panels:

solar array models, solar array replica, solar panel display, solar panel models, solar panel replica