Separator Model

This separator model was commissioned as a sales tool for the veterinary industry. This remarkable product separates blood into plasma and platelets and extracts white blood cells. The model is approximately 6X larger than the original product (see picture below). A scale model can be used to make a small product large enough to illustrate all its properties effectively.

The separator model was built from a clear acrylic tube and milled parts attached to it.  Clear 3D printed parts were added using a special resin. A silicone vinyl tube with the correct diameter and coiling ability was placed inside. Color was added with the use of theatre gells to mimic the different properties of blood. Yellow = plasma. Red = blood cells. The section in the middle illustrates the harvested white blood cells and platelets.

The overall effect is a strikingly visual scale model that clearly demonstrates the unique processes of this medical product.

separator model separator model separator model separator model separator model separator model separator model

blood separator, medical model, medical product model, sales model, separator model, veterinary model