3D Printed Architectural Model

This 3D printed architectural model depicts a retirement home community. Now that architectural drawings for new construction are being drawn up in 3D, buildings can be printed instead of built in a traditional model making fashion. By 3D printing all of the buildings, more detail can be added at a lower cost.

The topography for this architectural model was still fabricated by hand, using traditional methods. Hand sculpted foam forms the base, and flocking is added. The landscaping for this particular model was set in the desert, which made it interesting for our East Coast model makers.

Pictures of the 3D printed architectural model:

3D Printed Architectural Model 3D Printed Architectural Model3D Printed Architectural Model 3D Printed Architectural Model3D Printed Architectural Model 3D Printed Architectural Model 3D Printed Architectural Model 3D Printed Architectural Model 3D Printed Architectural Model

3D printed architectural model, 3d printed model, retirement community model, retirement home model